Between 1108 and 1118 there where founded three orders of religious – military character to help and to protect the pilgrims who were going to the Holy Lands: the order of the Poor knight of Christ, known later as the Order of the Templar, the Order of the Hospitable of San Juan from Jerusalem, and the Order of the Hospitable Teutonic.
The Templars
Monks – soldier: Guardians of the Faith, Guardians of the Holy Land, and Guardians of the Men.
This order of religious – military character was founded in Jerusalem in 1118 by nine knights, with the official denomination of “order of the Poor knight of Christ”, later they are known by the “knight of Salomon’s Temple” (Templar), denomination arisen after establishing themselves in Salomon’s ancient temple.
The Pope Innocence II recognized the order of the Templar in the year 1139.
The stamp of the Templar, emblem of the order; two knights mounted in the same horse represent the double vocation of the order, religious and military. With an inscription in Latin that says “sigilum militum Xpisti” (Stamp of Christ’s militia).
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